We Found Them!
Yellowstone National Park Day Two

by Kevin Watson

Our second day in Yellowstone National Park starts at the east entrance and although we loved seeing Old Faithful Geyser on our first visit, we enjoy our second day in Yellowstone even more!  Just past Yellowstone Lake, we start seeing bison (or buffalo, as we call them) and we are in awe by the wildlife!

Little did we know what the day would bring!  We head to Grand Canyon of Yellowstone to see Artist Point, then enjoy Canyon Village Visitor Center.  Our next stop is Mammoth Hot Springs, where we take the Upper Terrace Drive to the part of the park that has the most thermal activity!  On our way to Tower Roosevelt Junction, we see a black bear near the road, then head to our last stop of the day, Lamar Valley...home of thousands of buffalo!

Videos Mentioned In This Blog:

Check Out Our Adventures From Cody, Wyoming!


 Check Out Day One Of Our Yellowstone Adventures!


Go Exploring the Grand Teton National Park!

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