Trailer Brakes Didn’t Work!
I Was Wrong!

by Kevin Watson

40 in 40 starts today…well, sort of! As we get ready to leave on our longest trip yet, we decide to start our 11-month adventure by leaving our home base and heading west to Big Bend. Since Big Bend is really far away from our home base, we decide to spend some time in Fredericksburg, Texas to break up the drive.

Before we head out, we clear up a discussion that occurred from one of our videos in Branson, where we slid down a hill. Many people, including us, thought the trailer brakes assisted us when we were sliding down the hill, but as it turns out, they weren’t doing anything! Watch as we show you this test in action!

Items Mentioned In This Blog:

 Get Phils Chair!


Videos Mentioned In This Blog:

Watch Us Slide Down The Hill


We Need To Slow Down

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